New England Porch Weave: Weaving a Rocker
Bring an old, sad rocking chair back to life! Sue will supply a rescued porch rocker frame, neatly painted white, and a choice of weaving materials. Students will learn the basics of the New England Porch Weave to remake the seats and back of the chair. Choose from: 7mm flat oval reed that is porous and can be painted or sealed with Tung Oil (provided), or 6mm binder cane (rattan) that is the bark of the rattan vine, non-porous and does not need to be sealed. The weave can be used on any chair with four rails; you will leave on the lookout for the next project and ready to relax in your “new” porch rocker. No experience needed, but be prepared for a big project. No supply fee; an instructor kit fee of $155 is payable during the class.